Four steps to guide you to light the way for others  

The first of April´s two new moons has risen. Together they at least double the call to take action to fulfil your dream.
That said, many people ask me: “What is my purpose in this life?”
My answer always begins with: “every soul has the purpose to evolve, the path to achieve that is unique to you.”
This is a big question and when it is asked their voices often become soft or have an almost pleading tone.
Others often question whether they have the ability to create such an adventure, or the path they have taken is the “wrong one.”
To which my answer is “there is no right or wrong”, each is a choice we make to gain experiences. These create a foundation on which you can build your dreams.
Maybe you relate to this?
Research shows that people who feel their life has a meaning are happier, more productive, generate higher incomes and live longer.
Conversely, when there is no meaning, you struggle in some area of your life. Which will impact your health, wealth and happiness.
Why? Because it influences the joy you experience in your life.
Then you realise the importance of what you do, and most importantly, of who you are.
You therefore take responsibility for yourself. Setting boundaries by valuing yourself. Your decisions keep taking you in a direction that brings you more and more fulfilment. You feel deeply connected to Spirit and you know how to access all the resources you need to fulfil your full potential.

Do You Know Your Current Desire?

Do you procrastinate, avoiding actions you know you need to take? Instead watching TV, You Tube, surf the internet or play on social media? Do you feel disconnected from your life, business, relationships, Spirit…?
Then how do you instead take action to stop avoiding life and what your soul is seeking?
In essence you have to open the gate to listen to your soul!
Then you will be fully engaged with your life, living it boldly, abundantly and making choices that are going to bring you your dream, the one Beyond The World Of Your Current Desire.
For as the latest Message From Source indicates:
”Continue to create what you desire in and for your life. There is far more available than anyone considers possible. Only it needs each of you to open to exploring what is impossible, or at least so you view it.”
In numerology, April is a 1 Universal month – the moment for fresh starts and new beginnings. The number is also the reminder to believe in yourself!
This new moon in Aries is accompanied by four planets in Aries – the first sign of the Zodiac, encouraging us to dream of new pathways and destinations.
Doing so requires each of us to take three actions:
1. Clear unresolved issues which are restraining you;
2. Understand who you REALLY are and the objectives your soul is seeking; and
3. Structure your life and your business to support that.
To help you make a brand new set of choices that keep you enthused and focused on ensuring you lead a life of fun and joy, Beyond The World Of Your Current Desire contains a four step guide to illuminate your light.
As you take action, would you like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, this really is my speciality.

To Stepping Beyond The World Of Your Current Desire   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at

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