It is our heart that tunes into information from the field to feed our imagination, creativity and intuition   

We all sense we are in a period of unprecedented transformation–a once in a generation, let alone a lifetime shift.

The coming months are going to bring an acceleration we have not experienced before.

During such periods, the next wave of change-makers and thought leaders emerge; the new artists, thinkers, teachers, authors, healers…

Your Choice Will Propel You Into The New Era

The Cosmos is gearing us up for 2025 when three generational planets finally settle in a new sign — signifying the start of a new era as they move from Earth/water to Air/fire.

The journey to the new is about remembering who you really are. Truly knowing yourself as part of the Creator as though it is the first occasion you have had this knowing.

More is in my latest article, about accepting we are an integral part of the spiritual realms. Which is when we open to higher and wider opportunities to evolve.  

Hence the need to make your choice!

When you resist doing so, when you try to go back to the past, when you stop taking steps forward, then you feel it.

From such an energy blockage inner conflict is created and so illness. You might feel as though you are regressing, even though you could not possibly do so.

You cannot un-expand because it is all of Creation that is expanding, everyone and everything within it.

Which is why it is so important to listen to the messages from your body.

Trusting your instincts, emotions and feelings rather than what you believe to be facts – often portrayed as the heart versus the mind!

In my own case, I was surprised by the changes which flowed once I started to listen to my inner wisdom and what my body was asking for. The very first step of which was to stop eating sheep meat!

It is by each member of humanity walking along their own path we will determine the new era humanity´s evolution is creating.

Your Choice Is To Follow Your Head Or Your Heart?

External events flow from the change that begins within each of us. We view our world differently when we change our thoughts about something, someone, or some group.

This is what will help you move past the old traditions and ways and move into the new era.

The latest Message From Source contains this reminder:  

“When separate, you experience everything happening to you. When acknowledging all is connected, you understand the events unfolding are for you to gain experiences.

In the article I have cited research from 1991 indicating the heart has about 40,000 specialised cells, called sensory neurites, that act independently of the human brain.

This neural network sends instructions from the heart to the brain based on our feelings about the world around us.

This is how we tune into information from the field to feed our imagination, creativity and intuition to create the new.

One way to harmonise the heart and brain is through altering our breath – an essential part of the shamanic toolkit!

Regular practice has been shown to strengthen the immune system as the stress level declines.  

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire s to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to make their choice to step into the unknown.  

To Making Your Choice      



aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire all to know and be themselves. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.    

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