The Revelations Of Your Truth Are Waiting To Be Revealed

November is a pivotal month with choices to be made as its revelations appear. Many of these choices will affect you for months or years to come.

Until the 22nd the Sun is in the intense fixed Water sign of Scorpio. Ruled by Pluto; the planet of transformation, it is seeking to bring to the surface deeply buried emotions. Doing so in the name of Truth.

November is a six universal month. A number that brings forth balance and harmony, love and beauty. Its shadow side though brings perfectionism, the need to please others and also taking on responsibilities that are not yours.

Meaning some of the revelations this month will be around how you are creating imbalance in your life by absorbing the energies of others as well as their responsibilities.

Though 2020 may not have felt as though it is seeking to build a solid foundation for our lives, it is.

During 2021 Pluto continues to bless us with the theme of Truth.

We are at the pivot point of a Creative Revolution that will, in due course, be compared to the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution.