The Sacred Masculine is about to step aside to be replaced by the integrated Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine

The coming time has started.

Mars is now at a complete standstill. It is initiating for each of us a strong invitation to stand up for ourselves.

Sweeping changes are creating a major planetary-wide adjustment so that the imbalance between the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine is healed.

The re-balancing initiates a switch from a consciousness based on competition and an option of being separate from Spirit. Co-operation, understanding and compassion will be the new ways we relate to each other.   

The Answers Are Within

Which means our focus will shift to considering how our actions benefit all rather than just ourselves.

My suspicion is most will initially celebrate this shift and then wonder how it will affect their life?

For most of us do not enjoy change and this coming time is a fundamental transformation for us all.

In summary we are bringing Spirit into matter. Which is the purpose of a shaman. The difference with the era we are creating is everyone accepting they can do it, should they so choose.

The ability already exists, only each of us needs to accept we are not separate from Spirit. Rather Spirit resides within each of us.

All of the answers you seek are within you.

Each of us can receive amazing intuitive insights from our energy field.

Though not with your cognitive mind.

When you are grounded, relaxed, and connected to your body’s wisdom, you can tune into the infinite awareness of Spirit.

If you have a decision to make, instead of thinking about what to do or asking 30 people (and have 60 different answers), you can ask your body. Often the answer will come in the form of a feeling rather than spoken words.

As we all rely more on our intuition than words then feelings will become a means of communication. Feelings cannot be mis-understood in the way words can!

Very often we do not hear the word or choose to interpret in a way that fits our existing beliefs. That is we are afraid of the truth if it does not align with such beliefs – even if it is the “truth”.

My post “7 Signs You Need Healing…(and what to do about it!) details seven signs of pain and dis-comfort your body wants you to change.  

Your Body Has The Answers

Each of us has inside us a connection to our inner wisdom. The knowing that has clarity when the mind does not. That has the unexpected solutions when the mind is confused; and, knows the next step when you think you have no idea what to do.

I know on many occasions I have felt afraid to take a step. Even though feeling excited by where it might lead. Should someone indicate this conflict, I suggest it is their soul calling them forward. Their deep, knee-jerk reaction of “There’s no way I can do that…” is exactly what your soul wants you to do.

There are two kinds of fear. The first is the kind that is usually associated with either survival or an imagined future event.

The second kind of fear is what we feel when we in the presence of Spirit. This “fear” is the variety that is triggered when we allow connection in our lives.

For me fear has most often been felt in my lower back. These instances guiding me to write The Seven Secrets To Living In Harmony.

Now I know to listen to my body. Many I work with though have also been ignoring or even hating their bodies for many years.

Not attuned to the body’s subtle messages, its gentle signals are ignored. So the body has learnt it needs to speak more loudly. The twinge might become arthritis. If still ignored, it might become a fully-fledged auto-immune disorder.

Many people are at war with their bodies, trying to mute its messages with medication or addictive substances. Personal growth begins with self-love.

Practicing self-love lowers our stress levels and opens our awareness to the potential in our lives. It is through this window the unlimited potential of Spirit can shine.

Your Mind Needs To Be Busy

Then you can shift the belief who you are today is determined by your past experiences, no matter whether in this, other lives or ancestral lineage. So allowing you to move beyond the small subset of possibilities your mind has experienced.

No longer being stuck in that local mind that views problems as real and limitations as truth.

A study of 2,250 people by two Harvard psychologists found they spent 47% of their waking hours in negative thinking. Their thoughts were immersed in their personal stories rather than the present moment.

In the constant chatter of regrets about the past or worries about the future. Participants in the study were least happy when working on their computer, at work or resting – i.e. when they had nothing to occupy their minds!

The reason we are hard-wired this way is because of humanity´s evolution. The person who enjoyed the delight of a beautiful sunset was less likely to survive compared to the one who was always looking, listening and responding to the approach of a predator.

This created your Lifeguard, and the fight or flight response of the amygdala – the reptilian part of your brain. Its response is to pump adrenaline into your bloodstream to help give you the strength to act safely on its perception of the event.

Psychologist Mark Leary refers in The Curse of Self to this perpetual self-awareness as

“single-handedly responsible for many, if not most of the problems that human beings face as individuals and as a species.”

Which leads me to Stoicism!

You might ask what has this ancient philosophy to do with the current state of uncertainty we face? How can it help me survive this coming time with ease and grace? 

Stoicism And The Coming Time

Stoicism started around 304 B.C. — a year defined by “political and social upheaval” and widespread corruption – so nothing new!

The relevance was explained by Ryan Holiday in his Stoicism in pandemics as:

“The single most important practice in Stoic philosophy is differentiating between what we can change and what we can’t. What we have influence over and what we do not.”

On just how to do that, Holiday continues by quoting this passage from the Stoic philosopher Epictetus:

“The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. Where then do I look for good and evil? Not to uncontrollable externals, but within myself to the choices that are my own…”

This is exactly where we are all at this moment – responsible for our own lives. The deeper idea of Stoicism is that nothing in and of itself is really good or bad or belongs to us at all, it just is.

Which is where I come back to my awareness as a shaman. Everything, including ourselves comprises both light and shadow in equal proportions.

Hence why Stoicism is here to help as a system of ethics to create a blueprint for a beautiful Earth and beyond.

Also during a period of uncertainty such as this coming time, comfort can be found in the wisdom of those who have gone before. Those who have endured famine, plague, and natural disasters and grown as a result.

Which leads me back to learning to tune into your body’s subtle messages, there you can gain great clarity about your life. 

The solar plexus is usually where challenges to our power are felt.

A Process To Provide Ease And Grace 

Whenever you have a question about anything, here is a process to ask your body:

  • Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight
  • Breathe deeply, feeling your breath expand in your rib cage
  • Bring your awareness to your solar plexus
  • Ask your body a yes/no question that has a known answer such as: “My name is…, Am I female?” Then ask, “Am I male”? Notice the different sensations in your body.
  • How does the “Yes” answer feel – more open in your body? Does the “No” answer feel more contracted?
  • Notice any subtle changes
  • Ask your body another known yes/no questions such as: “I was born in ______?”
  • Now ask about anything, beginning with the phrase, “It is in my highest and best interest to _____ ?”
  • Trust the answer.

The coming time of the Sacred Masculine stepping aside to be replaced by the integrated Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine is underway. The Mars retrograde ends on 13th November – 13 is the number of the Divine Feminine!

It also ”happens” to be a Friday the 13th with all its association of change and completion. A moment to choose resistance or surrender?

In addition to all the other aspects of life which have feminine and masculine energies, did you know each number has?

For we categorise all stimuli into one of two pots:

1: Warmth (emotional, relational, etc.)

2: Competence (rational, achievement, etc.)

Each pot aligns with one or other gender:

  • Female = Warmth – Even
  • Male = Competence – Odd

Which is why my wife and I always disagreed about pricing in her natural food store. Females prefer whole round numbers, males precise odd numbers.

Hence why knowing who is your ideal customer is vital for success – emotional or rational purchasers? 

The Coming Time Of Aquarius

13th September also has the Divine Feminine merging with Jupiter’s total standstill. Jupiter´s next move is into Aquarius for a year at the December solstice.

Every single planet has gone retrograde in 2020. This is a year where Spirit is guiding you to reflect, be with yourself to discern what is important to You!

On 21st December 2012 the current 26,000 year long Mayan calendar began. The calendar is based on the 13 phases of Venus during the eight years of its cycle across our sky.

Eight years later at the solstice on 21st December 2020, Jupiter and Saturn meet at 0º Aquarius. Jupiter represents the Divine Feminine, Saturn the Sacred Masculine. Their conjunction marks the official start of the Aquarian age.

Leaving the Piscean age with its shadow side of feeling a victim. Suppressed by forces much larger than itself, so having a sense of inner-defeat.

Please Share

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love. 

To Ease And Grace In This Coming Time   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life. Lifting the beliefs that have limited their lives, growing loyal followers to become raving fans, so they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients. Achieved without compromising their soul and values.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my new book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More valuable information is here.


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