Transform And Create Your New Life

We are in a period of profound change, though not one that will transform and create by itself.

The last 48 hours or so the wind has unusually been blowing from the South and with strength. South embodies the element Fire. To quote from my All About Fire book: “This is the element from which all creation emerges. Hence Fire is about transformation, passion, direction and will.” The South also teaches us to be aware of the interconnectedness of all things.    

Have Faith And Trust In Yourself

One of the reasons for writing this post is to encourage you to be the agent of the changes you wish to see. Saturn is offering us two choices: rely on an external authority and hope it protects you, or develop your own internal authority and take care of yourself.

When we place our faith and trust in our parental authority, an outside protector or institution (or constitution) to save us, we are avoiding the invitation and missing the opportunity presented to grow in self-responsibility and self-confidence. To invest in who we are becoming.

Stepping into your own power and authority, you are doing your part to create the future you want. Each of us has a part to play, and we need all of it. Every individual is needed to live the way that aligns with their own authentic values.

As was set out to me recently: “Beyond the initial moment of Creation there has never been or will be a Divine plan. One in which every step and stage is set out. How can there be expansion and evolution if every step is already planned?

The themes of existence and their cycles exist. Into these are fitting the impact of free will, individual choice as to the next step or whether there will be one. This is how the matrix of creation continues to unfold.”

I will be setting out more of these Messages From Source in coming posts.

The outcome is the world needs you to determine its form. It needs you to keep walking your talk, loving more completely, and learning what it means to trust yourself. Whatever may be in the news headlines, they do not determine the future. You do. Knowing and being yourself.

The King Is Dead, Long Live The King 

As I have found, no longer can it be “business as usual”. Rather we must become   aware of the limitations we have all placed on ourselves. Whether literally or metaphorically imprisoned, as victims of our beliefs and so the circumstances we have created.

Saturn and Capricorn are bringing us the ability to see what we have to overcome. They are also encouraging us to generate creative new solutions and feelings of accomplishment. To transform and create our new direction.

This is supported by the full moon in Aries, the beginning of the Zodiac, rising on 13th October. In numerology, October is a 13 month. It is also the number of the Divine Feminine because it is connected to the lunar cycle.

The Sun is in Libra so there are the apparent opposites of fire, courage, taking action and masculine orientation from Aries. Set against the Libran rest, balance, harmony, emotional intelligence and love. Together they will bring intense and challenging emotions and may trigger a personal or relationship crisis.

When combined these two are inviting you to be consciously aware of those polarities within you. Where is it you feel uncomfortable in the relationship? By choosing to identify this you will be able to consciously purge what you no longer want.

So replacing it with a higher vibrational feeling as you stop overthinking and overanalysing. Instead coming from your inner peace as you practice being present. To move beyond the patterns that keep you from being free.

Whilst it may seem the tension is focused on personal relationships, the intention is to extend this to your business. To turn the moment into an opportunity to transform, involve and create. This will have support and group implications.

Some 2020 Insights

The most intimate relationship will be relying on your own honesty and showing respect for others. The questioning though will create uncertainty and so tension.

The full moon is once again at 20º. As is the T-square of Pluto to the Sun and Moon and their alignment to Jupiter. No surprise then we are moving rapidly into the energies of 2020. 20/20 activates perfect vision and unveils a brand new modus operandi for the coming decade of the 20s.  

A 4 Universal year, 2020 aims to simplify your life so you can manifest real results. A series of highly fortunate activations will unfold during the year, ushering in the onset of a brand new era for you and humanity.  

The year will be one of transform and create with its shifts and restructuring, though in an empowering way – especially when you consciously activate your own truth and desires.

As I have written previously, many of our current tools and processes are past their sell by date. New tools will appear to help you manifest your dreams. This is going to have an impact in all aspects of our lives. No aspect will be excluded.

All of our systems and structures from government to health care to financial systems and more will feel the effect. Industries such as coaching, personal development and spiritual will be transformed.

All Is Changing

Some of which is already visible in the themes we see in and behind the headlines.

Another indicator was in an email I received from the well-known blogger Steve Olsher. In it he stated “If you market products, programs and services online, you need to be aware of a huge shift that’s having a MASSIVE impact on sales now and for the foreseeable future.

Fact is, strategies that used to work well are being met with increased resistance and there is a revolution taking place insofar as the online sale of products, programs and services is concerned.”

When feeling stressed, constrained, angry or miserable this state of low vibration will reflect in any choice you make. When you feel joy and are in a state of peace, calm and health you function at your highest potential. This is the point at which you make high vibration choices.

One of most prevalent dense vibrations I come across is where something triggers an unconscious reaction within us. In fact we often attract people into our lives whose purpose is to act as this mirror. They represent our past likes and dislikes and are another means by which we become aware of what is seeking to be released.

Everything you feel, you experience no matter whether joy, sad, painful or blissful was created within you. Life originates internally, it begins in the quiet internal space within each of us. It is this unseen mysterious aspect of you that actually creates your reality more than anything else in your life.

Hence the need for inner peace when seeking to make a choice as to the direction of your life. That is how you take responsibility for your life and all that unfolds. Which is what this full moon is encouraging you to do.

Are You Here To Learn Or To Serve?

Starting now and into next year the planetary movements are encouraging each of us to stand up for what we believe/want in our life.

Pay attention to that quiet small voice that indicates alignment or not with your choice as to your direction.

Many advise just find and follow your soul´s purpose. This is okay as the clear and focused hero’s journey presented in literature, films and myths. However, the concept of your own soul having one and only one mission or purpose in this lifetime is just not true. We have many, many such purposes. So much so, any of a dozen or so could be present in a given moment.

My suggestion before you start asking questions about your purpose is to focus on why you are asking the question. Split this into separate categories such as relationships, career, spirituality, abilities/gifts, family etc..

Also recognise not every incarnation has the purpose of learning lessons. Yes, Mother Earth is an educational space and all souls evolve and transform through their experiences here. Some souls incarnate though in order to serve others rather than acquire new learning.

My passion is to help you to take action to live to your full potential.

….need support? If you would like to work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, or any other issue schedule a complimentary Accelerate Your Life Session with me. Or, email me by clicking on the Contact tab to explore possibilities.

Transform And Create Your Life

17th October the shadow of Mercury´s last retrograde of the year begins. As the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, this retrograde will have a focus on what is most important to you. Which could include the dark, the taboo, the suppressed or oppressed aspects of your life. The purpose being for the truth to be observed without fear of judgement and retribution.

Our last event of 2019 is on 2nd and 3rd November is Discovering the Inner Realms…a Journey into Shamanism. You will be introduced to the shamanic experience of ritual, creating sacred space, journeying, meeting your guides and power animals. There will also be the opportunity to connect to the energies of a medicine wheel, stone circle and a labyrinth as well as visit the Void. The point of all creation.

These as well as drumming, rattling and chanting are part of the event, as is a Fire Ceremony. After leaving us, third parties commented on the difference in the energy and expressions of participants.

A full list of events can be found on Shamanics in Portugal´s Facebook page as well as web site.

Early (UTC) on 28th October the new moon in Scorpio rises. Opposite Uranus it is extremely powerful and likely to result in sudden shocks, freak accidents, and unexpected encounters. It will make people erratic, impulsive, impatient, agitated and unpredictable. Step back from trying to understand where it is taking you.

To Transform and Create Your Life   

Blessings to all


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Shaman, Coach and Speaker.

Follow me on: Pinterest: Shamanic CEO and Twitter

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