Five Steps To Connect With Your Soul   

October is when many will notice the change you want to create starts moving as we emerge from the chrysalis of the last 18 months or so.

A powerful first quarter moon in Capricorn on the 13th brings with it structure, discipline and a chance for personal growth through hard work. This providing an opportunity for you to step over hurdles in your life, releasing limiting beliefs, and considering other points of view you may have previously discounted.

Acknowledge All Parts Of You

All within the continuing influence of the Libra new moon with its emphasis on balance, relationships, communications and negotiation. This specific Capricorn moon phase often creates tension in the context of work.

Diplomacy will be important to achieve balance and open dialogues with your work partners, be they friends, family or colleagues.

As I now know, this moon also comes with another message. A reminder to no longer delay taking action on something that is important to your personal and spiritual growth. Whatever it is for you, it represents a dream delayed.

Repair difficulties from your past, whilst remaining in the present, and keep gazing toward the horizon – towards what you are dreaming to create. For Pluto is insisting you live according to your roots, according to who you really are.

Doing so will result in a re-birth and a new lease on your life. Pluto´s four year guidance of our most subtle and potent psychic energies continues until 2024. Its psychic energy can either empower or destroy us from within.

Each of us has to learn to face and love the darkest, ugliest parts of ourself and others. Though doing so in recognition of our connection rather than pointing the finger or projecting our unlived, unprocessed negativity on to the “other.”

Only you have the choice as to the life you want to create. This to me is the essence of any personal transformation, the theme of these last months of 2021.

What you want to create could be as simple as changing your routine by taking a daily walk or, initiating a major project. Both are personal transformation and will impact your relationships, starting with yourself.

Unless you choose to do that first, you cannot change your relationship with the world external to you.

Message From Source

The latest Message from Source indicates the choices we have yet to make:

“Be at peace within each of you, then you will gain the sense of what is emerging. Whilst you allow the distractions to hide the truth, you will in turn hide from it.

Rather, when you are at peace you come to sense who you truly are and so begin to glimpse what you are capable of achieving. This is how the new form of Earth and its people will be created. Until that moment the chaos of transition prevails because there is no direction, no desire for the new to emerge.

Why? Because it has yet to be formed by the choices each of you make.

That is your power, only you have the creative ability to create what you desire. Yes, you can hand over power to others, though will you then be satisfied, content or full of the joy at what emerges?

The choices you make at this moment will create a new form which will continue to evolve for many years. The exact length will be determined by how you collaborate in its formation and function with your Earth. In the moment of creation she will decide whether it is to be a harmonious relationship or not.

Harmony will be created by being in harmony with Earth. When there is no harmony then a process of accelerated convulsion is possible. It has happened in the past, so Earth is fully aware of what can be the outcome. Humanity is not yet ready to jump ship.”  

The choices we make, or not, over these last weeks of 2021, will create humanity´s future for 2022 and beyond. The essence is whether or not we choose to be in our power.  

What Do You Want To Create In Your Life?   

Our choice will determine our community. We feel connected to those in our community and so our boundaries are unlikely to be breached or tested. Offering the opportunity for not judging and so greater harmony in your life.

This will create a multi-faceted society. One where different shades of opinion and life are acknowledged and accepted. Expressed in terms of supply chains, the global is replaced by many local ones.

Which means if you want to create it, there will be more opportunity to stand in your own power. Re-establishing your direct connection to your Inner Wisdom and Spirit to reveal the gift inherent in any challenge.

October is the month in which all the inner work which is underway will begin to be evident in your external world.

Does this mean the inner work is at an end? Far from it, sudden shifts in awareness and epiphanies in your personal life are to be expected. As will not judging yourself as you alter your choices.

The higher vibrations adapting us all mean simply becoming aware of, say, a pattern of behaviour may lead to its change. Hence why so many of the established tools and techniques are less effective.

Once Jupiter goes direct on 18th October, all our trio of powerhouse planets—Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter, will be moving forward. Jupiter continuing to tour the realm of Aquarius until 28th December, 2021.

Wherever Jupiter goes, he brings growth and luck. In Aquarius, Jupiter will amplify our inventive, innovative, humanitarian, and intellectual natures. Bringing a greater focus on equality, diversity, and experimentation—however, this energy will clash with that of Saturn.

Jupiter pushing for progress whilst Saturn focuses on limitations. Recognise the strong battle between growth versus restrictions underway?

Do You Prefer Saturn Or Uranus To Be In Charge?  

While there will certainly be an idealistic energy that emerges, the colder view of Saturn will dominate.

This might cause conflict in relationships to come more easily to the surface so you can finally address what is not working.

Saturn being in the innovative sign of Aquarius, the solutions that appear might be a bit out-of-the-box.

In 2021 Saturn in Aquarius has three exact squares to Uranus in Taurus. The last occurring on 24th December.

These squares are challenging outdated systems and structures that are no longer aligned with your soul´s desires, or the energy of humanity as a whole

Saturn represents the third dimension and Uranus the fifth. These squares, especially the final one, are preparing us for the major shift in energy at the beginning of 2022.  

As the lord of time and karma, Saturn is in control of our third dimensional realm governing systems, structures, time, and people in positions of authority.

Uranus is all about freedom, expansion, individuality, and sudden changes that affect all of humanity.

This can be expressed through revolution or rebellion, expanded consciousness, personal growth, and creative expression.

As a simple exercise in making your choices, write down a few intentions you want to create this month and a few items you wish to release. Writing them down is the first stage in manifestation.

Five Steps To Connect With Your Soul  

Here is a five step process to help you connect with your soul and its desires:

  1. First set your intention as to what it is you desire.
  2. Then centre yourself to create peace within you to hear your Inner Wisdom.
  3. Open the conversation as to your soul´s desires, the destiny it incarnated to achieve. Aligning with that will enable you to step through the distractions pulling you further from achieving it.
  4. Recall a moment in your life when you felt secure, needs were met and at peace. Feel into it, then make your choice as to the next step you take.
  5. Every hour return to that moment and feel into it, enjoying the feeling. Doing so will activate a flow of tonic rather than toxic chemicals into your body.

More about the cycle of evolution underway can be found in:

The Tipping Point Of Change Is Looming, Are You Ready To Act? 😃

Also going direct on 18th October is Mercury. This will pave the way for restored harmony where previously feathers have been ruffled, or even feuding. Ensure you seek to mend any fences, and watch out for collaborators who are a better fit.

The full moon in Aries will light up the night sky on 20th October.

You will feel energised, independent, and ready to take charge of an area of your life. Carve out the path that will bring you fun and joy. Take that bold leap toward your soul´s desires. Or, let yourself stand authentically and with no anxiety, apart from the crowd.

Long-term projects could ‘suddenly’ come together and take off.

All will assist you to make your soul connection, to free you to share your unique gifts.

Please SHARE this story with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Your Life Being In Balance


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, the Shamanic CEO, is a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. In addition to being a Shaman, his diverse background includes being CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as the executive teams of organisations such as IKEA.

His passion is using his skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Gregory uses his awareness and connection as a shaman to assist all to make their soul connection. Completing the deep healing to share their gifts and so accelerate their life and business.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of Gregory´s latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More valuable information is here.


You have my permission as long as you include the full article and About Gregory section above.

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