The Windy Road to Success

The full moon and partial lunar eclipse on 16th July will enable us to grasp success. Provided you commit to take responsibility to fulfil the mission your soul incarnated to achieve.

Acknowledge Your Vision

Recently several people have approached me to ask why is it they and so many others they have spoken to seem uncertain and unsure? Their own stress level has risen even though there was no apparent event to cause it to do so.

I have explained about our current eclipse season and the change it is creating. The ground we used to find ourself standing on no longer exists. We are in the process of dissolving the way we had come to accept the world operated. Surrendering to a transformation that is moving us toward rebirth.

We have passed the tipping point and have yet to arrive at the point where a new structure provides firm ground to step on. For that we need our vision.

Full moons can ignite a greater amplification of our vision and the potential that is possible. The impact of this lunar eclipse will be to make this be felt even more strongly. Your soul pushing you to release all that is restraining you.

The moon, our inner world, is in Capricorn. It has a vision, rolls up its sleeves and is prepared to do the work necessary to achieve it. However, it can become caught up in the process, or even be a little too rigid in holding to the ‘plan’.

The moon is being balanced by the Sun, our outer world, in Cancer. The sign of the Sacred Feminine, the creative mother energy, the nurturer. Bringing an intuitive/creatively playful edge to the more rigid, masculine Capricorn moon.

Lunar eclipses open a window into the part you do not usually reveal to the world – the emotional and deepest part of your psyche. The part we seek usually to protect at all costs.

Allowing Your Life To Be Eclipsed?

The word eclipse comes from the Greek word “ekleipsis” meaning “to abandon, to leave, to vanish”. That is exactly what we may experience during this lunar eclipse – the desire to surrender and let go of parts of yourself reducing your soul´s unlimited potential.

Old memories you have denied or avoided been nudging you recently? Maybe a keepsake, photograph or song reminds you of that buried emotion and belief? Perhaps it surfaces in a dream or an animal, tree, flower or bird that catches your attention with its message? All are reminders of deeply buried emotions your soul is asking you to release.

Sometimes we even need a similar experience again, as an echo of that past event, until we accept the lesson it is offering us. Is it our addiction to allowing our life to be eclipsed by others?

The firmness of the new ground depends on how brightly you shine Your light? Stand in Your power? Live Your destiny? Follow Your own needs? This is why this tipping point is so challenging for us all. And the road to success a windy one!

Just remind yourself you chose to incarnate now so you could experience and be part of this transition. One no soul has experienced before.    

Which may mean old problems and issues are resolved, only for a fresh set of challenges to appear! If you embrace life as an adventure, you will welcome this opportunity to expand and achieve new levels of evolution and self-mastery.

This Capricorn-Cancer lunar eclipse is calling you to let go of anything that inhibits your creativity, your uniqueness, anything/anyone that dims the brightness of your light. For the last few weeks my almost daily message has been to shine my light.

First Rebuild The Foundations Of Your Life

Doing so means eclipsing something in your life that is not working at this moment. You have a sense of what it is and the eclipse provides the opportunity to take conscious action to let it go.

To release deep-seated wounds, move beyond old fears and to transcend limiting patterns or traits within your shadow self. With the moon in Capricorn during the eclipse, we will be drawn to review the structures in our life; the architecture or framework of our life such as work, family, relationships; and our community.

It is also the moment to use Capricorn illuminated by the eclipse to heal any rifts in your life with authority figures. Your father, brother, partner, career anyone who you gave/give authority to. Confronting this will empower you, creating balance in the energy between you both and so in a gentle way create a deep healing.

It will help create a place where you feel as though you are able to manifest your true desires – ensure they create a smile when you reflect on them! Otherwise they will be associated with a sense of hard work and so….

Because this is an eclipse, its impact lasts for six months until the Capricorn solar eclipse in December. Followed by more of this Capricorn Cancer axis dance with the Cancer lunar eclipse in January and then Cancer solar eclipse in June and another lunar one in July 2020.

The continuing encouragement is to let go of too much structure, mind or focus on what we view as impossible. Being overwhelmed by the apparent enormity of our dream and what is unfolding for us. Then success cannot appear.

Clear Your Connection

All of us are born with a strong connection to Spirit and, as babies, we constantly reconnect with it by the length of our sleep. Unfortunately as we grow we learn to survive by using only indicators from our external world.

Eventually we create a personality that is designed by our circumstances rather than informed by our soul. Stepping further away from that connection until an awakening takes place. Hence the importance of daily practice to maintain and strengthen your connection.

My passion is to help you to take action to do so….

….need support? If you would like to work with me on strengthening this connection, or any other issue schedule a complimentary Accelerate Your Life Session with me. Or, email me by clicking on the Contact tab to explore possibilities.

Allow your imagination to create the dream. Building your vision on the structures you believe exist. Putting aside the `how tos´ and instead make each step a small one. Then your Lifeguard, your unconscious mind will not surface the fear of overwhelm.

To quote Mark Cuban“It comes down to finding something you love to do and then just trying to be great at it.” 

Capricorn is setting the theme for the next 18 months. Boosted by the January 2020 combination involving Saturn, Pluto, the Sun and Mercury and even Jupiter in Capricorn by then. Its focus is on your career, your divine mission.

Because this eclipse is also influenced by Pluto we are being assisted by our intuition. The carrier of wisdom from your soul to bring you answers and underlying truths to the questions you cannot answer consciously.

When you feel anxiety as your vision appears, know you are on the path your soul desires. Especially if it is outside your comfort zone – success beckons!

Create Your New Way to Success

My suggestion is to complete some deep breathing to help you release this unresolved energy. All you need to guard against is a sense of aggression and wanting to control others surfacing. Which will only happen if you continue to resist change.

Often this is evidenced by a message from the body. Pain or dis-comfort exhibiting in the area of your body where the conflict between your beliefs and what you are consciously choosing to do resides. Listening and interpreting these messages is the theme of my first book: The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony.

The winds of change are blowing for humanity. My advice is to not resist what is already shifting in your life. However, as it is your life you must participate in the shift. You cannot just sit and believe it will happen as you desire it. You need to take responsibility for the form of your life. Capricorn and Pluto are seeking you assume leadership for your life. Then you will grasp success.

For Capricorn requires you to take the lead and focus on success and accomplishment. Providing your future security through using your self-management skills. Planning is what Capricorn is good at. Choosing to take action to achieve the financial security you desire. Cancer provides the emotional security.

The twist though is it must be in a new way. Not that of the cultural stereotypes of the old structures. Pluto is saying the phase of giving away your authority is now gone – though we have the tidying up to do!

Rather focus on what you love to do and gives you joy. Which according to David Hawkins has a higher vibration than love. The highest is peace. The cosmos indicates our sense of optimism will rise sharply next year!

The Signs Of Your Success

As Mercury is retrograde to the end of July, clarity in terms of your next steps may not be forthcoming just yet. It is though the moment to reflect on what matters to you… what is it your soul desires? It needs you to choose to create it.

My suggestion is to find a quiet spot, ideally alone in Nature, and simply be the observer. Yes you may receive insights, though also observe the signs from Mother Earth. All will be there to support you with an answer to the question you put. Then prepare the groundwork for the results you want to appear.

Remember, follow your heart, not your mind. It is there you will find a solution, declaration, motivation – whatever it is you need at that moment!

And when you receive a golden nugget of inspiration, understand that its appearance serves more than one purpose.

Spirit is confirming your success, you are heading in your optimal direction. It is also giving you the sense of knowing you are supported as the tides of change wash over you.

One Spirit Work

Perhaps to help gain your clarity this is a moment to Quest? Shamanics in Portugal´s 2019 Vision Quest is planned for 20th to 23rd September. There will be a half day Introduction to Shamanic Journeying on the morning of 20th September, followed in the afternoon by assembly ready for the Vision Quest.

A full list of events can be found on Shamanics in Portugal´s Facebook page as well as web site.

We are planning a retreat entitled Synchronise Your Life. Starting on 17th October it will be led by Horatio, another shaman, and myself. Its week long focus will ensure you leave as a different person. This event is for you if you wish to answer any of the following:

  • Life no longer has the passion it once had?
  • Are you overwhelmed by life and all your responsibilities?
  • Feel you have lost your focus and business edge?
  • Stress is causing you pain and not sure where to turn for help?
  • Has your life turned on autopilot?
  • Wondering where you can find joy in your life?

Starting the evening of 17th October, it will be held in the calm, tranquil intimate energy of Quinta da Luz. Accommodation is limited to seven people, though we can pitch some tents for those wanting to be closer to Nature. Email me to find out more so you can be added to those seeking to bring balance to their life. To live their dream.

Mercury Brings Us Back To Ourself

19th July Mercury in retrograde shifts back into, yes Cancer. Shifting our focus to coming to terms with our own sense of our identity, accepting our authority. The 21st is a good day to start something new in your purposeful work.

The move by Venus into Leo on the 28th brings to an end the desire to be invisible. Rather to shine and honour our own inherent value and beauty. So bringing light to the end of July´s tunnel!   

Early (UTC) on 1st August Mercury goes direct just after the first of a series of three new moon supermoons rises. Each shining their bright light on our inner world.

To the Road to Your Success

Blessings to all


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony: A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life, Shamanic coach, Speaker.

Follow me on: Pinterest: Shamanic CEO and Twitter

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