You Need To Take The Wheel To Steer In Your Direction

The new moon in Libra on 16th October called us to take the wheel, to steer in the direction of our choice, to choose how we want the future to be.

Libra is the sign of the peacemaker. Its lessons are those of collaboration, partnership, and taking a moment to walk in another person’s shoes. Libra is asking if we want to create a more peaceful world?

The new moon asks us to take action to begin the creation of the world we desire. This comes from taking seemingly small, personal actions. Ones which will often confront our comfort zone.

This is going to impact relationships. It is the moment when we can choose not to continue to pass our power to others.

Not allowing someone or some many, no matter how apparently well-meaning. to direct the course of your life. We need to take hold of the wheel and steer in the direction of our choosing.

This moon will also challenge the very foundations of ALL the relationships within your life. The internal conflicts it creates have the power to open doors to opportunity and growth.

October is the month where we realise we are at the tipping point. We cannot turn back for it has passed and no longer exists.

2021 will be more open and certainly more free-flowing and positive. As a 5 Universal year its energy represents change, liberation, exploration, risk, adventure, connection, crowds, communication, travel, enthusiasm and freedom.

The year will also test us with temptations as it acts as the bridge between the 20th and 21st centuries.

My sense is 2021 will be marked by a series of pivot points designed to shift you into a playful exciting momentum.

The need to prepare for and navigate the coming changes makes this a fragile period. It requires patience, gentleness, and hope. Stay connected to your truth, and simple joy.

31st October brings the second full moon in Taurus. Its purpose to re-awaken an urgent interest in the physical world and our own sensual needs and desires.