The coming eclipse season will catalyse great change   

The equinox has passed, many commented they had felt the power of its balancing energies.  

It marked the start of the journey through the new astrological year.  

Its momentum toward a brand new way of existing on Mother Earth will have two intense phases.

The outcome will be beyond anything we have previously experienced.  

The first intense phase has begun!

Ready To Use Your Soft Power To Free Yourself?  

As the observer of the feelings in your body, the intensity will grow as we move toward the full moon lunar eclipse on 25th March.

Followed by the solar eclipse on 8th April, you may come to know/remember not only are your past lifetimes being re-written, the doors, portals, to welcome the future into the present are also being re-opened.

Now is the moment to become crystal clear about what you want to experience in the new timeline you are creating.

First, you will need to align your thoughts and words with your new timeline.

As you do so, do not feel guilty about jumping to a more enjoyable timeline, for you are adding something to humanity´s collective consciousness.

Eclipse seasons are always powerful periods of change and revelation.

Whilst the eclipses are the highlights, we have the entire 34-day period to embrace the energies of Lunar nodes and harness the issues of karma and destiny they highlight.

They will open portals for us to step through and make exponential life changes.

Trust in the soft power of your presence, your words, and your actions to create ripples of change.

Soft power is when you influence or persuade another or others through persuasion and personal attraction.

The latest Message From Source concluded with this insight:

“Bring forth all of your own intentions and creative skills. This is how you will never be cloned!”

 One way we fail to own our power is by not claiming and enjoying our physical body and keeping it connected to the natural world.

Lasting Change Needs You To Trust Your Soft Power

Instead, we tend to judge it, fill it with negative feelings we do not want to accept and become annoyed when it sends messages telling us how much that hurts.

Usually, this is expressed as inflammation. Whilst this may be the result of an injury, more often it is the result of disruption to our natural rhythm.

That is energy not flowing freely through our meridians, the body´s energy pathways. The natural rhythm is to draw energy down through our crown and out through our feet where the meridians connect to Mother Earth.

The cyclical motion continues with our feet drawing energy up from Mother Earth to our crown. These create a natural rhythm of giving and receiving with the natural world we are part of.

This flow regulates our digestion, sleep cycle, hormone production, menstruation and all our other cycles.

However, when blocked by trauma or not grounded, the excess electrical charge in our physical body affects the body´s ability to regulate its temperature, mood and energy levels, nervous system, adrenals, digestive process, sleep cycles and inflames our joints.

In addition to addressing the trauma, the simplest solution is to walk on the ground barefoot for much of our footwear has synthetic rubber soles which insulate us from Mother Earth.

Interestingly, the coming solar eclipse will be visible in the USA along a narrow track which bisects the line of the last total solar eclipse in 2017. This divided the country roughly in half with its Pacific to Atlantic coast axis.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help in calling on their soft power.

To Creating With Your Soft Power            



aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire all to know and be themselves. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.    

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