Release any attachment you may have to events unfolding in a certain way

Welcome to The Harmonising Times as the second new moon in Cancer shines its light on our new beginning. Added to the power of this moon is Saturn, being exactly opposite it.

All three – Sun, Moon and Saturn – were at 28° on 20th July.

The Message Of Our Dreams Is…

The number 28 asks you not to place your trust in others – listen only to your inner voice for answers and guidance. The quiet one that is usually crowded out by noise, distraction and the insistent voice of your ego.

That voice can only speak of what it has experienced, not what is emerging to enliven and enrich your life.

Cancer reminds us we have the ability to exist in both the emotional and material realms. It is the zodiac’s sign of home, family, and nurturing.

This new moon is reminding us we must remember who we truly are, starting with self-acceptance and self-love. This is where true healing takes place.

Cancer is the sign of security and childhood memories. Almost all I have spoken to recently have commented on childhood memories surfacing. Each of us is releasing some previously unhealed traumas. That way you can find new paths to nurture yourself and feel secure in your world.⁠

We are being called to start or continue our journey of unlearning and release, to become fully aligned with our soul’s evolutionary journey.

A stern teacher, this moon´s tense opposition to Saturn means one of its lessons is about having healthy boundaries and learning to live within restriction.⁠ ⁠

Certainly, we are all learning about boundaries of all sorts – emotional, physical, and energetic.

The new beginning is to re-learn how to do more with less.⁠

Saturn in Capricorn opposing the new moon (and Sun) in Cancer is helping you re-define what security means to you. Learning how to feel secure even as the outside world seems to become more restrictive.⁠

Yes travel and movement is now possible, though are the chains of society being released or re-imposed? ⁠Free to pursue your own calling or only what you are allowed? 

Your New Beginning Needs Boundaries

Have you allowed a free flow of energy in your life or not? This can either make or break your ability to give and receive love and abundance.

The Cancer new moon is asking you to ensure there is greater balance between your work and home life. Remembering they are one, not separate conflicting lives – another of the themes of this decade.

As is looking after your own wellbeing. Setting boundaries so you focus on yourself rather than bending to the priorities and demands of others. Unless you do so your vision will never be created.  

This is a lesson I learnt many years ago. Triggered by the intense back pain I had at key, pivotal moments when my life was re-structuring, including this new moon.

Saturn wants you to stand firm, holding to your values whilst also recognising the broader picture which is emerging. Including recognising the shadow within us all.

As I have written before, the world has already changed, it is a different place, it has a different terrain. Only we have yet to choose its nature.

When we do we begin to take responsibility for our own life. Some of the many questions this new moon might bring up for you are:

  • What role are you fulfilling at work that could bring more joy and fun into your life?
  • What new opportunities are appearing in your life at this moment?
  • What structures can you build to ensure a life of greater freedom and flexibility?
  • Does your work environment support your emotional wellbeing?
  • Is there balance between your work and home environments, or is one encroaching on the other?

Now is the moment to create and understand your vision, aligning it with your career. Only be sure to ask for what you desire.

We Are Past The Point Of No Return

It is then the desires of the Creator and our soul align to create a new beginning.

Often when Saturn makes this current hard aspect to the moon, there is a tendency to feel depressed or overly burdened. Remember any sadness you feel is temporary and will lighten as the moon becomes brighter over the coming two weeks.

Should pain and dis-comfort appear in your body, this is a message. A gift enabling you to discover the root cause of where shadow is impacting your life.

My blog “7 Signs You Need Healing” details signs your body is sending you messages. My story “Your Body Wants To Be FreeAre You Listening?” outlines seven signs your body is sending messages.

This is also true with regard to Mother Earth. When energy is blocked, it cannot flow and so the immune system cannot do its job. My experience is that it often requires a major event to free the flow of energy.

Our actions over the next four months will determine whether or not such an event occurs before the end of this year.

We are at the pivot point in the shifts underway where we know there is no return to life as it was at December 2019. Saturn always reminds us about patience, steady progress, honesty and diligence.

These may appear for you as:

  • A call to act on projects in your life to bring energy into balance.
  • When challenges appear – overcoming them by looking at the shadow will make you stronger as you allow your energy to raise its vibration.
  • Your responsibilities grow, so make sure you keep a balance between what you may perceive as duties while listening to the guidance of your intuition.
  • Your inner resolve to create your vision is strengthened.
  • Persistence rather than “hard work” can pave the way to recognition, respect and achievement.

Open The Door To Your New Beginning

Chiron and Mercury may have given you an urge to make a difference. However, Saturn´s presence suggests release any attachment you may have to events unfolding in a certain way – especially in relation to organisation of plans.

Over thinking and analysing will not help, rather they will create anxiety.

This Cancer moon is emphasising we must care for one another and ourselves. The opposition to Saturn is also reminding us of the limitations of systems and institutions. Hence the theme of self-responsibility, self-care.

Our capacity to provide caring and kindness to one another is a core part of being human. It is also a source of our capacity to heal, both individually and collectively.

The wounded healer, Chiron, went retrograde a week before the new moon. We are being given space until Chiron goes direct on 15th December to think about what still causes us pain? Then how we may shift the shadow into growth, power, and light.

To quote the poet Rumi –

the wound is where the light enters you.”

On 27th July there is the second of three meetings between Jupiter, in Capricorn, and Neptune, in Pisces. Both are also retrograde.

Neptune is seeking to open the doors to new beginnings of thriving and prospering. Freeing Jupiter to help you build something better, truer and longer lasting. This will be especially true in September, when the influence of Neptune’s retrograde will be most felt.

On the same day Mercury squares to Mars in Aries – the sign of new beginnings. This will create a number of tests and challenges in your life, mainly stemming from the rapid speed of your thought processes.

Old Ways Will Seek To Hold On!

For often we rationalise aspects of life when there is not enough space for us to think about whether it is in our highest good or not. As a result of this rushed decision-making, we often say what others may find confronting.

They may perceive you to be overly assertive or argumentative. Such misunderstandings only add to any frustration and temper.

This destructive cycle continues, escalating upto the opposition on 24th September. Near the moment, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto start to go direct again!

Such misunderstandings only add to your frustration and temper – thus this destructive cycle continues and could escalate.

There will also be a strong urge to rebel, tear down, destroy the old, and just be mean. Not to lay blame, rather in many cases, the old not giving way to or supporting the growth of the new is, in some ways, asking for it.

Those in authority not supporting the unfolding of the new, individuated, diverse forms of expression.  

Over the coming six months we are going to be asked to question any activities which provide us with personal gain at the expense of the gain of others. In particular whether the story we are repeating is based on our truth.

This is part of an emerging theme of personal will operating in partnership with general will. It is likely to lead to new forms of operating models appearing, in both business and society.

Missed making shifts on 25th July, the Day Out Of Time in the Mayan calendar, then I invite you to a discovery call to free you to create your next steps. I have a few openings left in the two weeks from 26th July, so Take Action NOW to explore possibilities.

Dawning Of The Age Of Aquarius

This Message From Source indicates:

Be at peace within yourself to allow the energies of what is emerging to flow easily and to settle. You may well seek to retain the old in all its forms. This has never been possible and certainly not so with the shifts which are underway.  

Will the new structures soon be evident? No as it will require more action to create them. This is in the hands of humanity, for the structures will be those which serve you not us.  

Though the more such structures serve both the more flexible and serving the needs of all they will become. The focus needs to be on serving all of humanity. This is how they will be able to last longer! Though be aware the process whch is underway is not going to suddenly stop!  

No, flexibility and awareness will be more needed as each member of humanity steps into their own power, if they so choose. More of the brushstrokes will be panted over the coming four weeks. Look for the writing on the wall.”

The full moon rises on 3rd August. A pivotal full moon, it is governed by the sign of the age we are moving into. Aquarius symbolises the desire to explore.

Arriving to wake us up, it is the sign of invention. Do not discard anything which seems strange. The unexpected is going to become more regular.

The safe playbooks of past experiences will no longer work as we all forge a new path. One which is spiral in nature rather than the one we grew up with of linear thinking.

The opposition of Mercury and Saturn means that any ideas of a certain way you thought you might proceed will be at odds with what is about to appear.

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My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Your New Beginning


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, master coach, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life. Lifting the beliefs that have limited their lives, growing loyal followers to become raving fans, so they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients. Achieved without compromising their Spirit and values.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my new book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More valuable information is here.


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