Are you the only architect of your life?

The September equinox shifted the solar life force of the Sun into Libra, Venus’ sign of balance, relationships, diplomacy and harmony. With Mercury and Mars in this sign, negotiations, partnerships and agreements will be to the fore in the remaining months of 2021.

As an Air sign, Libra is also known for struggling with indecisiveness, so making concrete plans and taking bold action might have to wait until the end of October when the Water sign Scorpio takes charge.

Trust Your Journey

Scorpio is acutely tuned into the shadow side of life, power, and the transformative nature of sex and relationships. Which means from the full moon on 22nd October, the energy is going to become more intense again.

As I have commented previously, most people are feeling challenged. Yes, current events are adding to anxiety and fear though at core this is being created by the personal transitions underway.

Choosing to abandon the persona we have created since our incarnation is not completed lightly. Yet that is what we are all being asked to complete. Releasing all our layers built on the basis of being separate from all other inhabitants of Mother Earth, Gaia herself and the Creator.

That is why we incarnated at this moment. Our souls desire to be freed of these bonds. Hence the choice we each to make to re-create ourselves or stay as we are.

Have you felt these past few weeks your life and what you are seeking is being challenged?

Yes it is – old habits, old ideals, old mental processes, and constructs of how your life should be are being questioned.

We are being asked to learn to trust the journey rather than think our way out of the current chaos. To release rather than hang on to the old, no matter how attached we are to it.

For several clients this included “people pleasing”. Believing the way to attract love, money etc. was to pass their power over to others rather than first meeting their own needs.

The consequence was they were being dishonest with themselves. True balance only comes from being your most authentic self. Sometimes your soul may even temporarily disrupt your life in order for you to re-discover your authenticity.

Push Over The First Domino  

One of my wife´s all-time favourite books is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The first agreement, “Be Impeccable With Your Word” feels entirely congruent with this period of Libran exploration.

Ruiz defines being impeccable as: “not going against yourself.” When you are impeccable you take responsibility, though do not judge or blame yourself.

Being impeccable with your word means using your energy in complete alignment with the truth of who you are. The theme of this emerging new era.

The second agreement is: “Don’t Take Anything Personally.” Would practicing this bring more balance into your relationships and so your world?

Yes, it may feel painful to follow your truth. Though what must really be lost or given up in order to follow your truth and choose what you truly desire?

Will the relationship with yourself then be more or less in balance?

It is messy birthing a new world!

Especially when we have no experience of what it looks like! Just trust you will be guided on a path ahead of you.

The old stories you tell yourself, the rabbit holes of disappointment did not meet your needs then, so why would they now?

Rather meet them with presence, and allow them to depart. This process will be needed for some months to come.

My suggestion is you establish a daily practice which will help maintaining balance be a routine part of your life.

This will help you create more balance and harmony, connection in your relationships and passion in the flow of your life.

This is how we can help effect systemic change by pushing over what has come to be known as the first domino.

Can you let go of who you have been and start showing up as you are? Living in the now?

Message From Source

The latest Message from Source indicates the progress of the transition as:

“What is now emerging for you all will in many senses create a new awareness of what it means to be human. Greater understanding is beginning to flow in many of the aspects of society. More and more are appreciating life is not a one off. It is part of a process of evolution in which there are many twists and turns which impact all of you in this life. Linking across your own deepest desires. And, so the potential of what you are seeking to experience in this life.     

The pace of increase in the frequencies which is underway, means it will not take lifetimes to effect the change in awareness. Whilst not quite a flash of light, it will be a sudden appreciation as the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of the soul´s journey become visible.

The next step will bring forth so called advances in technology which will release even greater awareness as to what is possible. Many of those technologies will actually be remembered and received rather than new creations. Which in turn will expand human awareness.

The ball of evolution is rolling and cannot be stopped. What will be necessary is to establish clearer channels to commit with Gaia, Mother Earth. This will assist in preventing divergent paths from emerging.  

This may happen should the current mis-alignment not be resolved. Do not forget you are her guests, not permanent residents. It is her choice as to whether or not you stay.”

The actions we take and/or the amount of in-action over these last weeks of 2021, will present humanity with differing results in 2022. These range from regaining control of our lives to further catastrophes. Which is really upto each of us.

Are You Becoming More Sensitive?  

Remember the Earth is an extension of you, and enduring change happens when we embody our connection with Nature. Walk on Mother Earth, ideally barefoot. Listen to her song to guide your day. Give yourself permission to open to your sensitivity, to be gentle, relax more, sleep more, pleasure yourself more…

…find a rhythm that serves YOU, serves Gaia and fosters more beauty in all that you do.

It is only when you are NOT captured by the ego, you find just peace remains. No inner tension can then be present to question your actions. Simply be still.

Other indicators I have noticed of the higher vibrations underway include people discovering a sensitivity to a food or drink. For others it has been sensitivity to the energies and frequencies around them.

Are you experiencing resistance or dealing with grief at the life you have not had, or the future vision that no longer seems possible? Know this means you are in a process of letting go that is essential for you to move forward.

We are the architects of our lives and if we want change we have to start with our feelings.

Buddha once said:

“What you think, you become.

What you feel, you attract.

What you imagine, you create”

We are all being called to commit to what you really want, to make a plan, to plant your boots firmly in the mud and to go for it. All of Creation is waiting to solidify what matters most to you, only you must initiate it.

Mercury has been in Libra since 30th August. She makes the last retrograde of 2021 on 27th September, which continues until 18th October. Asking us to reflect on our most important relationships.

Equality, Diversity And Experimenting  

To review them in order to bring balance and fairness, and then revise and rethink how you are relating to each other.

By the end of the month life will have quickened and we will have realised it is no longer possible to stand in the shadows.

The trio of powerhouse planets—Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter—also awaken by mid-month. This means more momentum building in our lives as we realise it is no longer possible to stand in the shadows.

Pluto goes direct on the 6th, followed by Saturn on the 10th, and finally Jupiter on the 18th. Magnificent Jupiter continues to tour the realm of Aquarius until 28th December, 2021.

In Aquarius, he will amplify our inventive, innovative, humanitarian, and intellectual natures. Bringing a greater focus on equality, diversity, and experimentation. However, this energy clashes with the forces of Saturn creating a strong battle between growth versus restrictions in all of these areas.

More about the move into the Age of Aquarius can be found in:

Do You Still Want To Play A Part In Creating A New Earth?

October will raise questions as to the “future” and what lies ahead. This will bring astrology, science, and philosophy into the public eye.  

Whilst there will certainly be an idealistic energy that emerges, the colder view of Saturn will also dominate. The remaining weeks of 2021, will brings Jupiter´s most potent and tangible effects.

Another Reminder About Balance And Relationships

A new moon in Libra also rises on 6th October. Balance, harmony and justice being the emphasis, though Mercury retrograde indicates this is not the moment to start any new relationships, business or intimate. 

Rather use this new moon to improve current connections and make new plans together. Focus on how you wish to build it over the coming six months to a year.

Achieving the balance you desire will culminate in mid-April 2022. The post shadow phase of the retrograde lasts until 2nd November.

The full moon in Aries will light up the night sky on 20th October, focusing us on internal work and self-reflection. So begins the dark half of the Northern Hemisphere year, welcome it with open arms and spirit.

It will assist you make your soul connection, to free you to share your unique gifts.

Please DO share and pass this story to others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Your Life Being In Balance


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, the Shamanic CEO, is a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. In addition to being a Shaman, his diverse background includes being CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as the executive teams of organisations such as IKEA.

His passion is using his skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Gregory uses his awareness and connection as a shaman to assist all to make their soul connection. Completing the deep healing to share their gifts and so accelerate their life and business.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of Gregory´s latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More valuable information is here.


You have my permission as long as you include the full article and About Gregory section above.

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