Lacking Your Vision? No Connection To The Creator?

Successful people all have a clear vision to guide them and so their business. Lack of such clarity of vision, and the sense of failure to achieve all that you feel you could, can lead to tension that becomes the root cause of problems such as intense headaches.

Do you feel lost and alone? Have emotional fears of spiritual abandonment, loss of identity, and lack of connection with yourself and people around you?

The crown chakra represents your highest level of consciousness, knowledge and wisdom, it provides you with your sense of the world as whole.

When blocked or unbalanced, you constantly feel the need to seek approval from others in making any choices, especially money.

While a deficient crown chakra is passive or energetically “numb”, an excessive crown chakra is energetically aggressive or manic. You over-think everything!

Six practices are set out to help you rejuvenate your perspectives, create inner peace and clarity in your life. They will allow your vision to flow.