Breakthrough Coaching 3 in 1

My mission is to help those with a track record of success to connect to their full potential and fulfil their why.

Are you ready to share your vision with the world?

Doing so in a way that serves your fullest potential?

Then you have what it takes to create an incredibly successful, profitable coaching practice.

Your Coaching Practice

Within you lies the potential to start a ripple effect that will be felt and experienced around the world as you create a meaningful contribution, leaving a legacy…

…and make an impact on your life and the work that you do.

To assist you do so, and how you can 10 X your skill set, 10 X your confidence and triple your power to earn I have my Breakthrough Coaching 3 In 1.

The Breakthrough Coaching 3 In 1 is all about:

  • How to become the World´s Best Breakthrough coach and earn a full-time income
  • Breakthrough Coaching processes that will triple your clients´ results and triple your power to earn
  • To learn the deeply buried beliefs which limit most people, so helping you and your clients to address them
  • Discover how to transform belief systems, including inherited ones that are preventing your clients from achieving their results
  • A values and visioning process which helps you identify what each client values most and so discover are these aligned or in conflict with their vision for their life.

The Breakthrough Coaching 3 In 1 is designed to help you Breakthrough your limiting beliefs around being a coach, attracting clients, and being paid what you are worth.

In so doing you will then be able to take your clients as deep as you have been.  This is the essence of transformation coaching and why many cannot effect permanent change for their family and clients.

What do you truly want to create for your coaching practice, not mine or anyone else´s, yours?

So why not inspire yourself to take action to Breakthrough all your own limitations, how many of your clients will you also be able to inspire to Breakthrough theirs? What impact will that create across your community?

Breakthrough Coaching 3 in 1

Simply be the World´s Best Breakthrough coach. Then what will you begin to create beyond your wildest dreams?

Using the Breakthrough Coaching 3 In 1 you will have all embracing FREEDOM from limiting beliefs to create what you desire for your life and put the LOVE back in your Body, your Relationships and those around you, including your clients.

The Guidebook has integrated into it both the Fast And Easy Breakthrough and Full Potential Breakthrough Formulas as well as the seven modules of the Breakthrough Coaching 3 In 1.  In this way you will have one resource for all 12 modules.  

The Additional Seven Modules Are:

Module 1 – Video of me coaching a client to address their limitations, identifying and addressing the real problem(s) present through connecting with their Full Potential.

Module 2 includes a video following the coaching session you watched in Module 1. It invites you to join feedback on the session, from both my and the client´s perspective. It is included to demonstrate the importance of Good Communication in a Coaching Session. 

Module 3 focuses  on Your Coaching Session. Here you will discover the importance of the coaching cycle to help create a plan, a map for breaking through all a client´s limiting beliefs. The Module also includes a pdf setting out how to increase the effectiveness of your coaching sessions.

Module 4 will help identify your unique Gifts As A Coach. For it is these that will align you with your community – those people who share similar values etc. as your own. It includes a pdf walking you through an enrolment conversation.

Module 5 builds on the foundation in Module 4 as to your message and the match between you and your ideal client. The focus now moves to the four elements needed to Serve Your Ideal Audience.

Module 6 helps create a new mindset as each new level of success requires you to change your unconscious core beliefs. Doing so will ensure you continuously Enhance Your Awareness, Vision And Skills. Four audios are available to help you do so.   

Module 7 Being A Highly Paid Breakthrough Coach brings together much of what you have covered in previous Modules. It includes a process to help you determine your charges based on what you desire to generate as income. You will also be given an opportunity to Breakthrough your own block to receiving wealth.

Book Your Call Now

To take your coaching several dives deeper, enrol in my Breakthrough Coaching 3 In 1.

Do not let your little voice talk you out of the only smart decision, which is to Breakthrough beliefs limiting you, your family´s and clients´ choices and lifestyle.

This is more than a business to me, it is my passion, my purpose to help you to bring about such Breakthroughs for you, your family in all its guises…

…which is why the Breakthrough Coaching 3 In 1 is not available as an immediate download.

What value would you put on leading a life where you were in control, how would you lead your life if instead of being held back by the limitations, you acted upon them? Using your unique abilities, gifts and skills to the full.

The Breakthrough Coaching 3 In 1 enables coaches to do more than Breakthrough, it helps build your business. It will clarify your vision and so your objectives and purpose.

Only once I am sure of your direction and commitment to your Full Potential will I invite you to obtain Breakthrough Coaching 3 In 1 at a discount from its retail price of $2,997.

You Will Also Receive…

Added to this will be my insights from a complimentary Accelerate Your Life session with me. To be the World´s Best Breakthrough coach book your Breakthrough Coaching 3 In 1 call NOW by accessing the online questionnaire.

After reviewing the content of the form, we will confirm a time and date for us to connect. At the end of which I will confirm whether or not I believe the Breakthrough Coaching 3 In 1 is a good fit for you.

Step forward on your life path with confidence and grace. Maintain a positive attitude and perspective and trust you will manifest positive results, rewards and blessings into your life.

BOOK YOUR Breakthrough Coaching 3 In 1 CALL NOW

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