View each of the previous months of 2018 as rungs on a ladder preparing and priming you for August. They enabled you to gain a gift you needed to lighten your load through clearing so you could step more easily into August´s phase of expansion and creativity.

July seemed a long slow month with its two intense eclipses?  The rare season of three completes at a few minutes before 11.00 (UTC) on 11th August. You will also recall 2018 is an 11 year, so 11:11 is very much in evidence.

Expansion and Creativity

Thankfully August will be less intense than July. August is the month when new ventures, new outcomes begin to create a new reality in your life.

Yes in January I thought I was ready for this new beginning and in many ways initiated steps to bring it into being. However, what has taken place over the subsequent months has been cleaning out old habits, patterns of behaviour and mis-aligment with those around me.  

More had to be learnt from addressing these beliefs. The purpose being to create a different mind-set which could embrace the new path opening up. Without it the new would have been viewed through the same pair of spectacles as the old, leading to the same outcomes!

Old emotions, challenges, shocks, and traumas surfacing from this and other lives, being released to the Creator. Drawing from them only what my higher self required for my soul´s growth and well-being.

Do not feel surprised or unsure if you also feel exhausted, perhaps a tad dizzy and unclear, and on occasions are overtaken by emotion you cannot explain or connect to external events.

All is well. This is your path, as you outlined it before you incarnated.

Now is the moment for expansion – are you ready?

You can effect further deep change and I can help you – through my expertise in working with energy and experience of working for KPMG – to leading technology companies, coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. To arrange a complimentary 10 minute chat to discover if we can work together, email me by clicking on the Contact tab.

Making space to clear out your inner sabotage so you can grow all aspects of your life could be the best investment you ever make. Having a quieter and clearer mind so you stop procrastinating and start taking focused action to grow your business. Unleashing your creativity, and dreams. Enjoying easier and more productive relationships and making life more fun.

All of these and more I have successfully addressed. Meaning, you can bring ANY challenge to the discussion.

August´s Renewal and Opportunity

August offers us all the chance to feel a sense of renewal and opportunity. Of initiating a new era of your life. Though because this is an 11 Universal year, it is probable this new beginning will involve partnerships – in all their forms.

Whether dating, marriage, friendships, business, career all could be involved.  The purpose being to move from believing “I am separate” to being in collaboration. Joining with like-minded people who actually support the inspired version of you and your vision for the future.

This presages a breakthrough—it is actively occurring, though not yet in viewwhich can often feel more exhausting than exhilarating! Certainly not the excitement expansion brings.

Supported by August 2018 being a 19 month -1 equates to new beginnings and 9 completion. 1 + 9 = 10 – adding another 1 to the 11:11!

Should you have the courage to walk this new path of expansion, there is one word of warning to help free you from the past – it applies particularly to many entrepreneurs. For 19 is a number that can bring out your inner “I can do it on my own” set of beliefs.

You Are Not Meant to Walk Alone….

You are not meant to embark on this path alone. One of the themes I have highlighted for this year has been collaboration. Opening up to receive more love, more support and more partnership. Unity rather than separation is the objective.

The 19 being behind the number one is sending the message you cannot reach the full potential of the new places you want to attain without help. So this month start to ask others for help and assistance in creating your new beginning. Do this and a new level of inspiration will flow.

In a post in June I indicated until Mars goes direct on 27th August is not the period to “initiate a new project, a great love, an argument, a lawsuit etc.. If you do it will never go anywhere, for matters commenced whilst Mars is retrograde will be frustrated and plagued with disruptions.” For we are being encouraged to first create balance within, ready to guide ourselves in the phases of expansion which follow.

Nor to Compete….

On 6th August Venus moved into Libra until 9th September. It increases the inner call for holistic negotiation where all parties gain. Shifting away from competitive (win/lose) negotiation. The purpose being to create through a key, collaborative relationship a better tomorrow for all.

It is also good for creating balance in your financial flow. Jupiter´s influence suggests focus on one project, rather than dissipate your energy.

The 7th supported this, as well as starting creative projects or offering/selling items of beauty. Ideas which appeared for how to create financial freedom are more likely to succeed.

Reflection and Integration

However, on the same day Uranus added to the list of retrogrades. Meaning more than half our planets are retrograde at the moment – Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, Pluto, and now Uranus! Retrograde equals Re-flect and Integrate!

Uranus will add to Saturn´s desire to resolve issues created in other lives, it will cause stress from such unresolved, or underdeveloped issues.

If you notice a pattern of events or relationships in your life, Uranus retrograde will encourage you to make the necessary internal changes.

The two places where this retrograde is mostly likely to focus are in personal or professional finances/money and in our relationships.

Remember, though the impact of Mercury retrograde on communication and travel continues until 19th August, with the shadow lasting until 3rd September.

 And Next a Quest to….

And a moment for you to Quest perhaps? Shamanics in Portugal´s 2018 Vision Quest is planned for 22nd to 25th September. There will be a half day Introduction to Shamanic Journeying, on the morning of 22nd September followed in the afternoon by assembly ready for the Vision Quest.

June´s Discovering the Inner Realms…a Journey into Shamanism was both fun and intense. The next one is 27th and 28th October. The weekend before, 19th to 21st October we have Working with Energy. It will empower you to understand, receive and give energy. So enabling you to integrate energy work within your daily practice as well as cultivate and use your intuition.

A full list of our events can be found on Shamanics in Portugal´s Facebook page as well as their web site.

And So the Eclipse will….

Which leads us to the new moon partial solar eclipse on 11th August. In Leo it is teaching us to each shine brightly. To allow yourself to be visible and so recognised as the unique being you are. Whilst this may be uncomfortable if you are not used to it, it is though the moment to help you step into your power. To shine brightly so that you can share your gifts with all.

If you feel any butterflies in the stomach, that is a good sign. It indicates part of you desires to expand and part is unsure!

Continuing the rare occurrences of the year, the eclipse has what is known as a finger of God, a yod pointing to the eclipse. This is one of the most sacred geometric shapes in astrology. It usually indicates a powerful mystical force is in play. Meaning meetings, experiences you have will feel more destined and faithful to supporting your own next step.

Something you have not seen before is going to be revealed. Its intensity propelling you to take action. This being the moment to open your awareness and create space for the growth and spiritual transformation your soul is seeking.

When the Party is Over….

An awareness in the unconscious will become conscious once the eclipse is over. The two planets forming the yod are Pluto and Neptune. Pluto empowers and Neptune spiritualises so encouraging you to have the courage to speak, to share, to love, to embrace, to change, to empower yourself and transform.

At each new phase in our lives we are somewhere we have never been before.  Have faith and trust that you have the skills, talents and abilities to face all that lies ahead of you.  You are here at this moment so you can gain support for your next step.

Remember we do best what we enjoy and feel passionate about.

To the Next Step of your Expansion

Blessings to all

Gregory Reece-Smith

Breakthrough Coach, Shaman and Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony: A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life or visit:

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