The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony: A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life eBook PDF Edition


The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony takes readers on an inspiring journey of opportunity to dispel the layers of beliefs hiding our true and deepest self. Allowing us to discover grace, peace, and unconditional love that is within every single one of us on this planet.


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In The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony Gregory takes us through explaining how habits and beliefs become lodged in the body, awakening readers to their role as creators of pain and dis-comfort. The indicators of limiting beliefs and emotions, that dictate how we show up in our daily lives. In addition to outlining how this can be changed, Gregory presents a whole new understanding of how by listening to our bodies each of us can reach our potential.

The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony contains exhilarating concepts: the key to doing so is not to suppress dis-comfort, dis-harmony, pain and suffering, but rather listen to and identify the message and address the underlying meaning it represents. Gregory uses research rooted in science, and case studies of how clients transformed their businesses, families, and lives. The core message being it is only our own actions which can create harmony in our lives.

This book takes readers on an inspiring journey of opportunity to dispel the layers of beliefs hiding our true and deepest self. Allowing us to discover grace, peace, and unconditional love that is within every single one of us on this planet.

Also available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback editions — if you prefer.

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