Motivation FOLLOWS action, NOT the other way around

Welcome to The Harmonising Times as the full moon lunar eclipse on 30th November calls us to review, reflect, and feel what past emotional conditioning we may dis-empower in order to create momentum. In doing so we choose how we want our future to be.

As the latest Message from Source indicates:

“We are now at the cusp in terms of the evolution of humanity. There is increasing confidence as to there is a way ahead and one which will create an enjoyable and fulfilling life for all. This though will only come from active participation as to its creation.  

There is no silver bullet or one path which must be taken. Rather it needs each of you to pursue your own path. One which reflects yourself, not the desires or beliefs of others.  

The key will be the continuing creation of connection and alignment with your own path. To seek what it is you desire to create.“

Listen To Your Feelings

Indicating to me this lunar eclipse may bring up some deep repressed emotions that need identification. Most probably you/we were not even aware of them before they caused an “explosion” of its emotion.

Liberating yourself from your own past will free you more than marching to change any laws. And many of the recent laws and practices do need changing!

As such we are at the point of leaving the old and beginning the new. Choices made before the end of December will affect you for months and years to come.

The ease with which such choices are implemented indicates alignment or not with your soul´s objective. In particular have you freed yourself to do so?

This requires you to confront your fears of rejection, ridicule and separation. Instead accepting risk by embracing the unknown straight on.

Want to stay serene, calm and confident in the face of external chaos? This is the only choice you have.

Listen to your feelings. Navigate with your intuition, not your head.

It is here in the realm of mystery lies the source of all our experiences. Though we have a powerful role to play in shaping what emerges from the realm of mystery into the world of everyday experience.

The power we have to shape our experience flows from our ability to choose – to align with and to place our trust in the outcomes we desire, or not.

This highly charged lunar eclipse creates much tension, anxiety, uncertainty, and insecurity. Its focus is on your love relationships and your finances.

To adapt to the changing conditions and to take advantage of opportunities, will require flexibility.

A lunar eclipse represents a re-setting of your emotions, the opportunity to clear away the emotional debris of the previous six months.

Review, Reflect And Feel

So the potential to cause breakups, nervous breakdowns, and financial loss.

In Air sign Gemini, this full moon lunar eclipse is suggesting our focus is not on the fear of such events. Rather being curious as to the adventure the opportunities offer.

When we are open to new possibilities, we are ready to receive new discoveries, ideas, and insights.

Eclipses are gateways, and this one brings an energetic opening…

…to new avenues of thinking and understanding.

However, when convinced of your own pre-conceived ideas and beliefs, you have closed the door to new possibilities. When a new idea or insight appears, you will not be able to see it. Or you might be easily distracted by something that pulls you off track.

When your mind is open and curious, you create the groundwork for new ideas, thoughts, and communications. We are being encouraged to step beyond the established patterns of what we have ever experienced.

Hence the need to Review, Reflect, Feel. To connect and to communicate and be IN connection with the full potential of our desires.

This to me is one of the lessons of the unexpected twists and turns of 2020. Yes many have felt dis-empowered as they ceded control of their lives to others.

Though I believe we will see 2020 has initiated us into a cycle of creativity and re-formation that will push us into fulfilling the true story of who we are.

Inspiring us to grasp game-changing insights/innovations that could turn into something big in 2021 and beyond. Some might even take the social media worlds by storm. These revelatory messages could require we change gears because the trajectory of our future alters. 2021 is going to be that sort of year.

And Before There Was Babylon

One where small moves and subtle shifts have more power than big moves and grand theatre. Small steps which accumulate rather than big ones which do not!

28th November brought the official ending of 2020’s historic retrograde squad as Neptune went direct. Three planets went direct this month, so our focus is now on action to create rather than more reflection.

The question of each of us became: “So what are you going to do with what you have been receiving/reviewing/recalibrating?”

Opportunities for transformation, growth and wealth creation are enhanced also on 30th November. Jupiter reaches its midpoint in the stellium with Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn – a cosmic event that last occurred 4,000 years ago.

This was in 1894 BC, at which moment the ancient city of Babylon was founded by an Amorite King.

Less than 100 years later, a series of simple rules and regulations were codified into new socio-economic realities. These regulations were etched in stone, and have influenced all modern law to this day.

Until 15th December Venus in Scorpio is asking us to deepen the most intimate aspects of our relationships. To strengthen the bond to our partner on all levels of intimacy – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Only then can the union continue to flourish.

This lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse on 14th December make an eclipse phase that lasts until the lunar eclipse on 26th May, 2021. Meaning we will have six months of being influenced by the axis between Gemini and Sagittarius.

This axis finally completes in November 2021 – it began in May 2020.

The new moon in Sagittarius on 14th December helps us lessen resistance to what the full moon two weeks before made available.

Do NOT Write Your Business Plan

New moons represent new beginnings and this one is on the same day the electoral college in the USA confirms the new President.

Its spiritual meaning relates to how you think and communicate.

It will also stoke our thirst for adventure, to explore…

…travelling into the unknown in an adventurous way.

We are being invited to plan, though NOT in the usual manner of writing our business plan for 2021 and beyond. Instead writing our desires and then leaving everything fluid, organic and open-ended.

We are also being asked to question what you thought you knew and where it came from. Being dogmatic is likely to deepen resistance to what is emerging rather than embracing the adventure if offers. This theme stretches across the eclipses of 2021.

The message being what we experience around us is actually created in our own consciousness. Its purpose being for each of us to recognise the shift into the Age of Aquarius.

To experience ourselves as not separate from life, rather we are an extraordinary part of life living us!

On 21st December, the solstice, Saturn and Jupiter shift into Aquarius – beginning a 200 year sequence of Air signs. This conjunction will continue to re-structure our lives professionally and personally as well as politically and socially.

This is humanity´s pivot point as we leave a way of living we have been in for centuries. It seeds a new dawn, a new paradigm for humanity to unfold. It symbolises a shift of consciousness.

The sign of Aquarius hints at the need to create/allow new solutions and elevate global consciousness. The Aquarius cycle will ideally bring a stronger focus on culture, artificial intelligence, scientific and technological progress, and global emancipation.

More about the key themes of 2021 can be found in my post:

The Revelations Of Your Truth Are Waiting To Be Revealed

Daily Action:

For some weeks my almost daily guidance has been “Be at Peace”. In other words observe what is unfolding rather than seeking to force its creation. Failing to fully engage in this led to me being laid out for four days whilst my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies processed the changes.

It was during this period of tremoring and not eating I came to use: Review, Reflect and Feel. Being the observer as to my life.

  • Allow all the images, recollections and dreams about your life to be subject only to Review. Seeking to identify the lessons being offered rather than making a judgement as to the events themselves.
  • Reflect on what you learnt and identify any further lessons to learn.  
  • Feel in your body for any dis-comfort, pain etc.. Then feel into that point and ask: “what is it seeking?” Once you have an answer use it to surround the original pain or dis-comfort. Finally merge both together and note any new colour, shape etc. which emerges. Should it move around your body, simply follow as it connects to other beliefs.

Remember motivation FOLLOWS action, NOT the other way around. 

Please Share

The culminating point of 2020 is here. Whilst it may seem difficult, now is the moment to recognise the deeper, hidden gifts of this year, reflect on, and integrate the lessons you have learnt. Plan your next step.

Unsure about that step, then schedule an Accelerate Your Life Session” with me. Or, email me by clicking on the contact tab to explore possibilities.

And resolve to make the necessary changes you are being asked to make in your life.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love. 

Open Your Life To The New


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life. Lifting the beliefs that have limited their lives, growing loyal followers to become raving fans, so they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients. Achieved without compromising their soul and values.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my new book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More valuable information is here.


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